
We are looking forward to receiving applications from motivated individuals who are eager to strengthen their expertise and further improve their skills through creative work together with artists and the YCAM staff.
Target Group
- Graduate students, young artists researchers, technicians, coders, designers, and directors, etc. with outstanding performance and achievements in fields related to new media art/performance.
- Highly motivated persons with sufficient English or Japanese language skills for the internship and daily life.
Assistance in YCAM activities including planning, operation, production, R&D, workshops, etc.
Stay & Schedule
1 month up to 3 months
- To be arranged in accordance with your purpose & date proposal and the YCAM schedule.
- Working hours will be basically 5 days/week, 10:00~19:00.
Costs and Payments
- YCAM will not be able to pay for any remuneration or cover travel/living/working expenses.
- All expenses will be covered by the intern.
- In cases of accidents, health problems or theft, interns will have to bear the entire costs, so we strongly advise you to buy the respective insurance prior to the internship.
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media[YCAM]
7-7 Nakazono-cho, Yamaguchi, 753-0075 JAPAN
Application Method
To apply for an internship at YCAM please send the documents listed below by mail or e-mail to YCAM, General Affairs Desk, at least three months before your intended stay.
- YCAM Internship Application Form (PDF)
- Short essay on 1. your reason for choosing YCAM, 2. the specific purpose of your internship (Max. 500 words in total)
- Letter of recommendation from an organization you are currently or were previously affiliated with, or from a university professor, curator, critic or other expert.
[Please note that the letter of recommendation must be hand-signed by the recommending person. If you want us to return the documents, please enclose the required stamps. The return address must be in Japan.] - Materials documenting your previous job performance, (artistic) activities, representative works and/or study results. [Any format including portfolios and software is accepted. Please note that submitted software must run on common operating environments, and make sure to indicate system requirements, etc.]
- Copy of passport [Non-Japanese nationals only]
Screening Process
Acceptance of internship will be decided upon application documents and online interview session.
Screening by application documents
Screening by the online interview with YCAM staff
NOTE1: We will contact shortlisted candidates for the dates of the online interview
NOTE2: Notifications of the results for both of first screening and second screening will be informed by e-mail.
- Please allow approximately one month from your interview session date for screening and confirmation of acceptance.
- Please supply English or Japanese translations for all documents written in other languages.
- Applicants will be required to provide additional documents (such as a signed contract) once they have been accepted.
- Please submit your application at least three months before the desired start of your internship.
- Applications may be rejected due to unsuitability, schedule problems, or other reasons.
- In case an applicant is initially accepted but subsequently judged unsuitable, the internship will be interrupted and terminated at that point.
- Applicants who are required to obtain visa or other necessary documents for entering Japan are self-responsible for the necessary procedures.
- For further inquiries please contact us.
Inquiries/Applications to
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media[YCAM], General Affairs Office
7-7 Nakazono-cho, Yamaguchi, 753-0075 JAPAN
Phone: (+81)83-901-2222