The status of COVID-19 infection of YCAM employees (3rd report)
As of December 1, all four employees of the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM] that had tested positive for COVID-19 on November 5 and 10 respectively, have been discharged from hospital.
At present, the employees are preparing to return to their workplaces, while carefully watching their physical conditions. YCAM had been closed since November 5, but as was previously announced, after PCR testing all members of the staff, and cleaning and disinfecting all facilities according to advice from the Yamaguchi Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environment, the Center reopened on November 18.
YCAM has been operating while implementing measures against the spread of COVID-19. In the light of these recent developments, we are going to reinforce these measures, in order to make a visit to the Center safe and secure for all visitors. For more details on measures implemented at YCAM, please refer to /P/P/POur response to Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]./P/P/P