Our response to Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), at the Yamaguch Center for Arts and Media[YCAM] (Updated September 20, 2020)

At the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM], we implement the measures in response to Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), based on the government's /P/P/PBasic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control,/P/P/P Yamaguchi City's /P/P/PResponse policy for holding city-sponsored events,/P/P/P and guidelines various organization announced. We apologize for any inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
To all visitors (Added: September 3, 2020)
- Please refrain from visiting if you fall under any of the following conditions
- If you have a fever of 37.5 ℃ or higher and symptoms such as cough and sore throat
- If you have visited a country(countries)/ region(s) where the infection has spread within the past two weeks
- Please wear a mask when visiting(entering) the museum.
- Disinfectant solution is provided at the entrance of the facility and around the entrance of the event venues so please use them and sanitize your hands properly
- Please make sure to secure a social distance of more that 1 meter among visitors
- After using the toilet (bowl), please close the toilet lid before flushing.
- Please avoid facing each other in close distance when you eat, drink and talk in rest areas such as the lobbies
- Please note and understand that personal information collected when participating in the event may be provided to public institutions such as public health centers as requested
- Please cooperate with the installation of the new COVID-19 Contact Confirmation App (COCOA)
Operating the facility (Added: September 3, 2020)
The following measures are taken on a daily basis when operating the facility- Regular disinfection of places touched by an unspecified number of people, such as doorknobs and handrails in the facility- Ventilating as much as possible using air conditioning equipment in facilities- Disinfectant solution is provided at the entrance- Hand dryers in bathrooms are temporarily stopped their operation- Place acrylic boards and transparent vinyl curtains at ticket counters
Restriction of the facility usage (Updated July 31, 2020)
In reference to COVID-19, the facility is now restricted for the its use. Please see the page below for more details.* Restrictions on the use of facility due to the response to the COVID-19
Response to events held in the facility (Added: September 3, 2020)
Common response for all events
- Disinfectant solution is provided near the entrance of the venues
Restrict admission such as the reduction of the numbers of seats during peak hours
Prohibition of contact with exhibits
- For exhibits that require contact, assigned staff will disinfect them appropriately
Performances such as plays and live concerts
- For exhibits that require contact, assigned staff will disinfect them appropriately
Ensure that all staffs to manage their health, wear a mask, and sanitize hands properly
- The body temperature of the visitors will be measured at the entrance
- Simplification of collecting/ checking the ticket at entrance
- Arrange visitors to line up to avoid being crowded at the time of entrance and during break time
- Place acrylic boards and transparent vinyl curtains at ticket and information counters
- Disinfection of seats and common places such as doorknobs and handrails for each performance
Prohibition of waiting for performers to come in and out, and giving gifts to performers, etc.
Film screening
Ensure that all staffs to manage their health, wear a mask, and sanitize hands properly
- The body temperature of the visitors will be measured at the entrance
- Place acrylic boards and transparent vinyl curtains at ticket and information counters
- Disinfection of seats and common places such as doorknobs and handrails for each film screening
Blanket service is temporarily not provided
Events such as workshops
Ensure that all staffs to manage their health, wear a mask, and sanitize hands properly
- The body temperature of the visitors will be measured at the entrance
- In the cases of using chairs or/ and handouts, they will be disinfected each time.