So KANNO+yang02
Born 1984. Completed studies in Media Art at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS). Utilizes technology to create works with the aim to realize things he wants to see or observe, focusing on such specifically technological phenomena as the relationship between signal and noise, errors and glitches.

Born 1984 in Chigasaki, Kanagawa-city. He completed M.F.A. Information Design Field, Design Course, Master Program of Tama Art University in 2015. He has created numerous works based on digital media. His works often question human physicality and the subjectivity of expression by entrusting the subject of action to autonomous devices and external factors. He won the New Face Award at the 15th Japan Media Arts Festival, art division for “SENSELESS DRAWING BOT.” In 2013, he was awarded the Fellowship of Overseas Study Programme for Artists by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japanese Government and stayed in Barcelona and Berlin. He has been based in Tokyo and Kyoto since 2015. His main exhibitions in recent years include “Sapporo International Art Festival (SIAF) 2014”(Chi-Ka-Ho), “Open Space 2015” (NTT Inter Communication Center (ICC)), “Aichi Triennale 2016” (Aichi Prefectural Art Museum), "Vanishing Mesh" (Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM], 2017), "DOMANI · Tomorrow Exhibition" (National Art Center, Tokyo, 2018) and others.

Tour 1
June 13, 2018 — 24
21st Japan Media Arts Festival
The National Art Center, Tokyo
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