Born in 1986 in Aomori, Japan.
After finishing his high school diploma, Naoki went on to study at Tama Art University’s Department of Information Design, and learned to create works that apply computer in the production. Subsequently he pursued his master’s degree at the same university, and while continuing his own artwork production, he studied abroad at Berlin University of the Arts as an exchange student and furthered his insight about media design. Also, he worked as an assistant at an office “schtucco” run by a graphic designer Shin Akiyama.
Naoki became a freelance graphic designer after completing his study, working mainly on graphic designs for media art exhibitions, such as Seiko Mikami’s “Desire of Codes”(2011) and a serial exhibition “emmergencies” (2012, 2013) both held at NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC].
Naoki joined the YCAM staff team in April 2014, and has been responsible for designing graphics for the signs inside the building and the YCAM-hosted projects including “Promise Park Project [Research Showcase]”. To catch more attention and attract more visitors to YCAM, he tries to not only provide information with clarity but also incorporate the basic but interesting aspects in his design.
April, 2014 — March, 2019