Born in 1982 in Aichi, Japan.
After completing high school diploma and taking a year of recharging his batteries, Kiyoshi went on to study architecture at Kyoto University of Arts & Design. When he made a journey during the summer during his third year as a college student, he experience a spiritual epiphany in Nepal. After earning a degree, he entered Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Science(IAMAS). His research centered on “media facade” which incorporates moving image and interactivity into the surface of the building, and also worked at an architectural office where he was involved in designing office interior and exhibition sites.
After finishing the course at IAMAS, he joined the YCAM staff in May 2009. Including the duties such as planning the original workshop and its facilitation, and the production of “Korogaru Park” project, he has been organizing education programs as well as research and development projects that are aimed to make practical use of the regional resources.
With his background of being born to a Buddhist(Shinshu Otani-ha) priest family, he continues to preach about the desirable attitude of learning for enriching the life, and give guides to people so as to achieve building a community in a bottom-up approach that works from the grassroots, allowing to respect what is being desired.